Monday, January 9, 2012


Paris to Kuala Lumpur Sunday January 9, 2011

I was awake a fair deal with my damned cough keeping me awake. I'll be glad to see the back of it, although judging by the last 'travel cough' I had it might take weeks to clear up.

The hotel was very comfortable and probably the quietest room we have ever had, despite overlooking the Air France apron, with aircraft coming and going. But there was not a sound coming through what must be a very sophisticated system of double glazing.

The breakfast was adequate, but certainly no bargain at €29 (say $45 or even more frightening R315!) we had to clear our own plates and put them on a sideboard where the cleaning sprays and cloths were also displayed!

We were transported in the hotel car to Terminal 1 which is quite a way from the hotel by a very nice lad and then we entered the maze that is Charles de Gaulle airport. We hadn't paid much attention coming in as Rab was in her wheelchair, but now on foot we were faced by a maze of signs. With some patience it was possible to work out where to go, but I pity the amateur flyer. We had tickets to the Air France Premiere Salon so found our way up there but walked into a furnace. The terminal building itself is pretty warm, but the salon was heated to about 30C I reckon. Sweat was pouring off me as we swigged a quick drink and packed our heavy coats away. The outside terminal felt positively cool initially, but even though I am sitting by one of the many escalators, which is bringing some cooler air in, I am still sweating bullets.

The Tea Room beckons at the Windmills

 Rab and I were talking last night about what a wonderful trip this has been. My favorite still is Rothenburg while Rab finally came down in favor of the Windmills. It is very difficult to make a choice because so much was so good.

The sun came out at Rothenburg

Later- 20 minutes out of KL. 

I didn't sleep as much as I expected last night. My cough returned, which kept disturbing me and, somewhat amusingly, Rab also got a croaky throat. When she has one of those she tries to clear her throat repeatedly with a mini-cough that has three notes. I found myself dreaming of the trip and the folk dancing the three notes being repeated as the dancers whirled around Hi-Hi-ing furiously. Only a little over 12 hours to go now! But we're both bearing up.

KL to Melbourne January 10, 2011

A little over two hours to landing and we've both had a good sleep. Rab says she was sleeping lightly, but I was out for almost five hours, so I feel pretty good. I've just eaten an apple I bought in Paris with my last Euros and I think that may do me, although I haven't eaten since breakfast about 12 hours ago. But sitting here for so long tends to make you feel pretty full.

As I said before, this was a tremendous trip and, if, as we have said so often before, it is our last one (bodies being slower to recover and funds being finite) then it was indeed a good one. (Of course it wasn't!)

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